Invitasjonen er på engelsk.
Dear Masters Friends. The 2019-2020 FIS Masters Cup will debut in South America with an exciting program: 6 competitions including the first ever official FMC Alpined Combined.
The National Ski and Snowboard Associations of Chile and Brazil have teamed up once again, this time with the Nevados de Chillan Ski Mountain Resort with the local Chillan Ski Club and the leadership of AMSKI.
The Nevados de Chillan Resort is located hillside of a volcano and offers relaxing thermal pools. There are also excellent travel destinations in the South of Chile for those you would like to explore the area after the competitions.
Looking forward to see you in the beautiful Nevados de Chilan, please receive our
Best Regards
Sergio Parot & Stefano Arnhold
The Chilean Ski and Snowboard Federation trough the Chilean Masters’ Ski Club (AMSKI) and the Brazilian Snow Sports Federation (CBDN) together with Chillán Ski Club and the Mountain Ski Resort of “Nevados de Chillán” are glad to invite all FIS Masters athletes to the first FIS Masters Cup competitions of the season 2019-2020 to be held in Nevados de Chillán next September 12th to 15th.
Tuesday, September 10th
21:00 Welcome – Captain’s Meeting Sign up for SG -TRA
Wednesday, September 11th
11:00 Super-G training
19:30 Captains Meeting
Thursday, September 12th
10:00 1st SG (BRA)
12:00 2nd SG (CHI) Valid for the AC
14:30 2x SG Prize-giving Ceremony
19:30 Captains Meeting
Friday, September 13th
10:00 1 run SL (CHI) Valid for the AC
12:00 SL (BRA) – two runs
14:30 AC & SL Prize-giving Ceremony
19:30 Captains Meeting.
Saturday, September 14th
10:30 GS (CHI) – two runs
13:30 Lunch (Barbecue)
15:00 GS Prize-giving Ceremony19:30 Captains Meeting.
Sunday, September 15th
10:30 GS (BRA) – two runs
13:30 GS Prize-giving Ceremony
* Exact times to be defined at the Team Captains Meeting.
All Team Captains Meetings will be held at Hotel Nevados, please ask the front desk for more details.
Organizing Committee
- Chair: Sergio Parot F.
- Centro de Ski Nevados de Chillán Héctor Navarrete
- CBDN Stefano Arnhold
- AMSKI Jorge Bocca Ch.
- Hotel Nevados Pamela Moraga
- Club Esquí de Chillán Daniel Gonzalez M.
General Competition Rules
The competition is organized according to the FIS Masters Alpine Skiing Rules. Participation is limited to male and female skiers who are member of their National Ski Associations and have reached the age of 30 years on or before December 31st 2019. Only competitors who have signed the FIS Athletes Declaration are authorized to compete.
Entries (using the official FIS Entry Form, including year of birth, FIS Masters Code Number, current points and signature) must be sent by the respective National Ski Association.
For the Brazilian Races please send your Entry Forms to:
Stefano Arnhold: sarnhold@tectoy.com.br with copy to sergio.parot@yahoo.com
For the Chilean Races please send your Entry Forms to:
Sergio Parot: sergio.parot@yahoo.com
Entries deadline; September 6th 2019, 9:00 pm.
Participation Fee
According to rule MA52 is €20 per person per race (entry for the Super-G training will also be €20 per person). Each NSA is responsible for the eligibility of their own competitors and must verify that they have signed the FIS Athletes Declaration. Athletes and coaches are responsible for their own insurance.
Hospitality Fee
There is a hospitality fee of Euros 30 for the Barbecue Lunch on Saturday.
Nevados de Chillán Mountain Ski Resort is located on the hillside of Nevados de Chillán volcano complex, at the upper end of the Las Trancas Valley. This Ski Resort is located about 400 km south of the Chilean Capital of Santiago, about 70 km east of the City of Chillán and 190 Km away from the Concepción Airport (CCP).
This ski area has a ski domain of about 10.000 hectares and it has approximately 35 Km of ski runs between 1500 and 2400 meters above sea level. For the trail map, please visit: https://www.nevadosdechillan.com/invierno/mapa-de-pistas
- CCP Concepción, Chile (190Km)
- SCL Santiago, Chile (400Km)
A good alternative is to rent a car and drive south (even better if you can share). A convoy lead by Sergio Parot will drive south from Santiago at 12:00 hrs. on Tuesday the 10th (Please contact him to join, and also if you are willing to share the ride).
A good train service runs between Santiago and Chillán at 8:30; 17:30 and 18:25, coming back leaves Chillán at 8:00 15:00 and 17:00. The train takes 4½ hrs. you also need to consider a transfer from Chillan Train station to the hotel, which is more or less 1 ½ hrs. away.
There is also available a wide range of transport between Santiago and Chillán by Bus.
Hotel Nevados can also arrange a transfer from the CCP airport of Concepción (2 ½ hrs.)
To book transfers you can contact Mr. Juan Cofre at Volcan Transports that is recommended by the Hotel.
Phone: +56 9 8411 09 02
E-mail: transfervolcanchillan@gmail.com
The below quotation is in Chilean Pesos, the values in US Dollars are for reference only.
From Chillan to the Hotel (price per person – roundtrip):
1 pax CLP 60.000 US$ 105
2 pax CLP 34.000 US$ 58
3 pax CLP 31.000 US$ 51
From Concepcion to the Hotel (price per person – roundtrip):
1 pax CLP 107.000 US$ 205
2 pax CLP 56.000 US$ 106
3 pax CLP 44.000 US$ 82
This event is organized together with “Hotel Nevados”, and they have offer the FIS Masters competitors a special deal for this event; including boarding with breakfast, dinner and ski pass for CLP $ 97.500.- per night per person, in base of double occupancy (about €125 p/p) or CLP $ 112.125.- in single occupancy.
“Hotel Nevados” will be the official venue for the event, but the ski resort also has accommodation available the upper hotel called “Hotel Alto Nevados” with the same deal.
Weight up the pros and cons, and a wide option of accommodation is available down Las Trancas Valley, but please bare in mind that Captains Meetings (and the ski room) will be always in Hotel Nevados and that the Ski Resort will ask all participants to have a valid ski pass for the events.
At that time, at the ticket office, it has a value of CLP 38.000.- (about €50) and it is already included in the “Hotel Nevados” deal.
For more information, please go https://www.nevadosdechillan.com/alojamiento/hotel-nevados
For reservations at Hotel Nevados, please contact:
- Nevados Chillán reservas@nevadosdechillan.com
- Paulina Acevedo B. pacevedo@nevadosdechillan.com
Please do your reservation before August 20th.
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